Recommended for 16ft vans and under including camper trailers and hybrids

  • Mounts to the side of a caravan
  • Able to pressurise a caravan in seconds
  • Eliminates requirements for structural reinforcing and extensive waterproofing
  • Creates more space for solar panels
  • Compact and sleek design
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Operates anytime – whether the caravan is parked or in motion, as long as it is switched on it will be working.
  • Compact design allows for fitment inside the standard internal cabinet
  • Once installed, the device is concealed from the user
  • Self-draining
  • Not submersible
  • Power specs – 6 Amps Max current at 12VDC
  • Fan can move a maximum air volume of 1000 cubic meters per hour
  • Operating temperature between negative 40 and positive 105 Celsius

Inclusions | Weights & Dimensions | Brochure | Filter Specifications